Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Studies have identified that ICSI is an efficacious, easy-to-perform, and effective way of treating infertility. It is a commonly practiced procedure that has the best outcomes. In this very procedure sperms from the male are extracted (via specialized manipulators) and injected into the egg’s cytoplasm.
The procedure has high success rates.
Who Can Benefit From ICSI?
Men and women with reproductive issues can get benefit from ICSI. The conditions for which ICSI is effective include:
Male Issues
Men with weaker sperms can take advantage of ICSI. The following conditions are ideal for an ICSI:
● Low sperm count
● Poor sperm motility
● Azoospermia, oligozoospermia
● Abnormal sperms
Female Issues
Women can opt for ICSI if they have the following problems:
● Ovulatory dysfunction
● Endometriosis
● Ovarian issues (such as premature ovarian failure)
● Unexplained infertility
How Is The Procedure Performed?
This is a better type of Assisted fertilization technique. The process is similar to IVF. However, here the sperm and egg are not fertilized in a test tube, rather selected sperm cells are injected into the oocyte.
1. The doctor uses micromanipulation devices such as microinjectors and pipettes to extract and select sperm cells.
2. The extracted sperm cells are then injected into the inner part of the oocyte (egg).
3. The status of fertilization is checked on the next day.
According to research, ICSI is a very effective and potent way of assisted fertilization. In the very study, more than 64% of individuals showed the formation of pronuclei (indicating successful fertilization) the next day afterinjection.
Research also suggests that ICSI is the better fertilization option when there is a factor of male infertility. In non-male infertility cases, both procedures i.e. in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection performed similarly. The fertilization rates and embryonic development were the same for both procedures.